Monday, April 20, 2009

Who else is having a polidentity crisis?!?!?

It seems as if most people, specifically young people, are having a polidentity  crisis now-a-days. People THINK they're liberal, people THINK they're conservative, the list goes on...

I wouldn't say I'm having a polidentity crisis. Although, I did go through a stage of "finding myself" politically. Around the age of 16, I was heavily interested in the ideas of Marxism. I was fascinated with Eldridge Cleaver and Soul On Ice was my favorite book (I still think it's a wonderful piece of work). However, I never labeled myself as being a Communist or Marxist. I realized that I was going through the stage of finding myself politically, and establishing where exactly I stood on the political spectrum.

Not long after, I discovered the ideas of Classical Liberalism and Libertarianism (thank God), and finally found a political philosophy of which I could relate with on nearly any aspect. The difference between what I went through at 16 and the polidentity crisis that many young people are experiencing today, is that I never called myself a "Communist". I never called myself a "Marxist". Hell, I didn't even call myself a libertarian until two years after I was introduced to the philosophy. It seems as if college students everywhere are calling themselves "liberal" (and when I say "liberal", I mean it in the Obama sense), yet they are skeptical about tax increases. I don't mean to specifically call out the liberals, because the conservatives are just as guilty... if not, EVEN MORE GUILTY! Conservatives moan and whine about Obama's policies and regulatory administration, when Dubya had one of the most regulatory administrations in the history of the United States! Where were they then? Were they complaining then, or are they just hostile towards our recently inaugurated Democratic president? It's all mind boggling...

To stop my rant abruptly, these are the reasons I started this blog ^. Hopefully I'll be able to provide some insight as to what these various political philosophies ACTUALLY stand for. 

If you're going through a polidentity crisis, don't fret!! The first step is to realize that you are (haha, sounds like an addiction). I'll try to help you get through it, while spewing a bit of my own bias at you ;)

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