If I had a nickel for how many times I've had this exact same conversation, I'd be rich!
Random Person: "Are you a Republican or Democrat?"
Dennis: "Well, I'm a little "L" libertarian. I'm philosophically libertarian."
Random Person: "Oh... a libertarian. So... is that like, a Democrat?"
..... *palm to the face*
Why is it that, unless you have a heavy interest in politics, nobody ever seems to know what a libertarian is? Don't people realize that there are many parties, not just Republican and Democrat? I guess it's not really their fault... Between our public education system, media, and your average household that rarely engages in a political conversation, the exposure just isn't there. It is partly the individuals fault for not seeking to inform themselves, but who is the REAL culprit?
I'd say it's our own government. Unfortunately, unlike dozens of other countries, the United States does NOT have proportional representation. What we have is a Single Member Plurality system, which basically means "winner takes all". Candidates of the Libertarian Party and other third party candidates receive a percentage of the vote every year, so why shouldn't they have some representation in our government? Fact is, the United States government doesn't feel like that minority percentage is worthy of representation.
This, however, is the reason the United States is essentially a two-party system that's looking more and more like a SINGLE PARTY system every day. The American people, or any people for that matter, shouldn't be stuck with having to choose from the lesser of few evils. Nobody seems to be happy with the direction our country is headed, Republicans nor Democrats. Options are a wonderful thing! Variety is a wonderful thing! I love that fact that when I go to McDonald's (the Devil's food), I can choose between a Big Mac, Quarter Pounder, or even a Double Quarter Pounder! (please metabolism, don't quit on me)
Which brings me to my conclusion, that I believe MOST people would align themselves with Libertarianism, if only they knew what the hell it was. Statistics say otherwise, but I refuse to believe that the logical concepts of freedom and liberty are really that unappealing to people.
/Rant over.
I'm not as informed about Libertarianism as I'd like to be...all I know is that when I took that silly test in Mr. Sher's class it said I "fit in" there...inform me!
ReplyDeleteWhile the majority of people are indeed polically negligent (you might call it) to declare that all people could align themselves behind the ideals of a libertarian is very lofty and idealistic. While i would certainly stand behind the concepts of freedom and liberty, the extent of freedom and liberty and how it is applied is certainly descretionary. It is not as crazy, however, to say most young liberal minds could align themselves behind at least the surface values of the libertarians (except for its laize faire attitude) (and hence the "like a democrat.." mistakes)
ReplyDeleteFair enough, Graham. Although, I didn't say all people would align themselves with libertarianism. I said most. And sure, that may even be a stretch. My passion accompanied with my belief that libertarianism is the most "sound" system undoubtedly influences my posts.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I still think I'm right. :)