Monday, April 20, 2009

LEGALIZE IT!: A 4/20 Memoir

As a young libertarian, it's only natural that I'm in favor of legalization for nearly all substances, including marijuana. No, I'm not a stoner. No, I don't sit on the green grass of a college campus, surrounded by trees, playing the guitar while smoking a doobie (although, that doesn't sound half bad). In fact, I've never smoked in my life.

It's unfortunate that "4/20" typically consists of bare-footed hippies running around saying, "NOBODY CAN TELL ME WHAT TO DO WITH MY OWN BODY!!" I agree. I don't have any problems with bare-footed hippies running around making fools of themselves. I believe you're free to do as you please, as long as you don't infringe on anybody else's right to do the same. I'm also against force or coercion. However, most people don't happen to feel this way. It's either their way, or the highway.

I feel like "4/20 holiday" is a day that goes to waste. Why spend all day lighting up and complaining? You can do that any day. Rather, 4/20 should be a day of education. Of actually EXPLAINING why you believe in legalization. It should be a day of proving to the same people who believe that global warming is a myth (to what extent may be exaggerated, but it's obvious it's happening), that legalization of marijuana wouldn't only be economically beneficial, but that it's the RIGHT and MORAL thing to do. 

Instead, young people usually parade around enhancing the stereo type that users or advocates are a bunch of radicals. This is not only the wrong way to go about legalization, but it's harmful to the movement, alienating and driving opponents even further away. 

This post isn't meant to explain WHY I'm for legalization... that's a whole different can of worms. Rather, this post is meant to express my discontent with the tactics and strategies of the legalization movement. Actually, it'd be a bit of an overstatement to call them "tactics" or "strategies"... sometimes it seems as if you don't think much at all.

For more information as to WHY I'm for legalization, this interview with Milton Friedman summarizes many of my beliefs. He does a thorough job of explaining the pros and the one possible con.